08 Sep Yes on I-732
Posted September 8, 2016 from Seattle, WA
I’m running an ad for Initiaitive 732 on Sunday, Sept. 10 in the A—section of the Seattle Times.
For more information on I-732, here is the campaign’s website:
Here is a link to an article in Sightline that discusses the controversy on the political left about 732 and more importantly discusses the pros and cons of 732 as policy.
Here is the text of the ad:
a vote for fiscal responsibility
Vote yes on I-732
Americans like to come to the rescue of those in distress. That’s admirable. But it’s going to get very expensive in the coming years as floods and droughts ravage the country and coastal cities get washed away. Luckily, we don’t have to make big sacrifices to help forestall this disaster, only shift the way government raises money from regressive taxes to pollution fees, which is precisely what Initiative 732 does.
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