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Yes on 1-732
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Yes on 1-732

Yes on 1-732

Posted October 9, 2016 from Seattle, WA

I’m running an ad for Initiaitive 732 on Sunday, today  in the A—section of the Seattle Times.

For more information on I-732, here is the campaign’s website:

Yes on I-732

YES ON I-732 Act NOW on climate change I’M IN – YesOn732 DONATE JOBS Our proposal makes taxes more fair and promotes cleaner energy with four bold steps. Cut the sales taxby 1% Pay less at the cash register. Fund a tax rebate for working families Provide a tax credit of up to $1,500 a … Continue reading Yes on I-732

Here is a link to an article in Sightline that discusses the controversy on the political left about 732 and more importantly discusses the pros and cons of 732 as policy.

Weighing CarbonWA’s Tax Swap Ballot Initiative

Note from Alan: In Washington state, climate hawks have divided over CarbonWA’s Initiative 732, a proposal for a BC-style revenue-neutral carbon tax shift that will appear on the November ballot. The divisions—over both policy and political strategy—are agonizing and strongly felt. I-732 is therefore a contentious subject to publish about, but with the public vote … Continue reading Weighing CarbonWA’s Tax Swap Ballot Initiative

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