14 x 18 signed poster, foamcore-backed and bagged. Printed on the same heavy paper as our prints and hand-signed by the artist. The Daytables are in many ways the heart of the Pike Place Market. Farmers and Craftspeople all have a seniority number and roll call is in the morning. The spatial relationships on the daytables are such that everyone is at close quarters and a jumble of people and color is created. It is similar to markets all over the world yet notably dissimilar to spatial relationships in modern shopping malls, which (take it from someone who has done his share of mall shows) can be places where a yawn comes easily. In this painting one of the vases is empty, which indicates a high pace of sales while aiding the composition of the painting. The photo of Daytables on the wall is from Carole in Chicago and the nice dark frame (which I do not unfortunately stock) really appears to flatter the poster.
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