#392 Birds of Seattle’s upland neighborhoods (8 x 10″)
This poster shows some birds that are characteristic of Seattle’s upland neighborhoods. The main goal is to celebrate the beauty and excitement of these birds and it is not intended specifically as an identification guide. In most cases I have painted these birds in the brightest and most arresting plumages and types. This poster would work for any city in the Puget Sound lowlands, more or less. If a vendor would like me to publish this same poster for another city, I would consider it, as the painting was originally begun a score of years ago as Birds O Beacon Hill and I have published it under the name Birds of Tacoma. Sadly, the birds list for the poster is a moving target. I have included Nighthawk, which used to be common, and others more to signify their presence in the recent historical past. If the poster had been done at the end of the 1800s, a major species might have been Western Bluebird. This poster is a significantly reworked version of the 1st edition and was issued on July 15, 2021. It adds some birds from the first edition such as Warbling Vireo. Birds are numbered in the image and identified below. Only one plumage type of any species is shown, so this is not a substitute for a bird guide book.
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