This painting was inspired on a cold spring day in Leavenworth. Leavenworth has wisely left its riparian area along the Wenatchee River in its natural state, and migrating Swallows had gathered to survive the cold spell along the river, which was clearly a Foraging Area of Last Resort (FALR), those important places we must protect if we want these most delightful of God’s Critters to survive. There were some Willow branches that made a good perch and four species of Swallows were coming there to rest on the branches. The species were Bank Swallow (upper left with a band on its throat), Tree Swallows, (the blue and brown backed Swallows with white throats), Rough-winged Swallows (the brown-backed Swallow with a warm tan throat) and Violet-green Swallows–(Swallows which are, ahem, violet and green colored.)12 x 16).
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