A friend of mine took a video of four River Otters near Cape Alava scampering across the beach. At one point, one Otter appeared to stop and fix her gaze at the videographer. Although the image was distant and grainy, it was a truly great film clip in that it captured perfectly the joyfulness that seems to infuse everything River Otters do, including running down a beach. I tried to make the painting reflect some of that playfulness, a still image never really could, but I definitely tried here. In the background was what I call “Stricker Rock,” a stack with a hole in it that is painted somewhat faithfully, who knows how many more years that will last. The title probably does nothing more than show my age, as the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was big at some point in my earlier aging process and the reference is to the gang they headed up.
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