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Ed Newbold
#1 Economy Arcade, 93 Pike Street, Seattle, Washington 98101

Pike Place Market Website:

Pike Place Market

Call the store:

(206) 652 5215

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Help Stop “WRECKREATION”  in Seattle's GREENSPACES! Keep Cheasty Protected for Wildlife Habitat, Biodiversity and low-impact recreation! Protect, Preserve, and Enhance this important natural resource habitat in Southeast Seattle –the most diverse neighborhood in Seattle.   Friends of Cheasty (FOC), an activist neighborhood group for over 35 years, works to enhance and...

Posted Sept. 21, 2015 from Seattle,WA; updated Oct 5, 2015 I ran an ad in the A-section of the Seattle Times on Tuesday Sept. 22, 2015, that presents my belief that the green position on the upcoming Seattle Transportation Levy is No.  I'm running it again...

Posted from Seattle August 12, 2015 The Atacama Desert in SW Peru gets the same total of rainfall every year:  none.   With no rainfall lately--  (Newsflash: Until today right now at noon!!! A thunderstorm no less! PS.: at 1 pm:  It didn't produce rain here on Beacon...

Proofreading error in March 31 Seattle Times ad:  The hole should be no bigger than 7/8".  Sorry! Posted March 30, 2015 from Seattle, WA. A bit ahead of schedule, like everything else this spring, the Violet-green Swallows are now arriving in Seattle.  The Barn Swallows should follow suit in...

Proofreading error in March 31 Seattle Times ad:  The hole should be no bigger than 7/8".  Sorry!   Posted March 30, 2015 from Seattle, WA. A bit ahead of schedule, like everything else this spring, the Violet-green Swallows are now arriving in Seattle.  The Barn Swallows should follow suit in...

Posted Feb 7, 2015 from Seattle WA See Feb 10 Seattle Time ad at bottom of page. Environmental Impact Statements play different roles at different times.  If a private party owned Cheasty and wanted to build there, the EIS that was written would be ok.  We just...

Posted January 19, 2015 from Seattle,WA I ran an ad in the Jan 20, 2015 eidition of the  Seattle Times which appeared in the  A-section.  I apologize for using an unexplained acrynym, PAT in the last sentence.  Scroll down to the end for the explanation of that.  Scroll...

Posted Nov 10, 2014, from Seattle WA. Seattle Wildlife Artist Ed Newbold is running his nix wind and ethanol/tax the fuel trains ad again, in the Nov 11 Seattle Times news section.  Ed is delighted that the tax-the-trains idea is gaining momentum and now--when voters seem to...

Posted Oct. 6, 2014 from Seattle WA. Seattle Wildlife Artist Ed Newbold is calling for a complete revamping of our approach to energy policy and climate forcing.  An ad that will appear in the Seattle Times October 7, 2014 recommends some of the changes Newbold thinks...

Posted July 21, 2014 from Seattle, WA “It’s not that expensive to take good care of natural areas.”                                                             -Kurt Zwar, former Park Steward at Magnuson Park in Seattle fired and charged with crimes for removing non-native invasive plants from a meadow  In defense of nature, Green voters...

Posted May 5, 2014 from Seattle,WA updated June 4 & 29th 2014 If you ever get the dubious fortune of listening to a Parks Dept. presentation on why Cheasty must become a mountain bike park, you will hear plenty about the terrible condition and neglect the Cheasty Greenbelt has suffered from. ...

Posted April 9, 2014 from Seattle, WA  It goes against the DNA of a green voter to vote against a Parks levy, I totally realize.  But we must examine this impulse.  “Parks” is only a word.  A Park can Yellowstone National Park, or East Marginal Way...

Posted April 9, 2014 from Seattle, WA It goes against the DNA of a green voter to vote against a Parks levy, I totally realize.  But we must examine this impulse.  “Parks” is only a word.  A Park can Yellowstone National Park, or East Marginal Way...

Posted April 6, 2014 from Seattle, WA Parks is trying hard to paint a picture of Cheasty as a worthless basket-case of a dying ruined forest, victim of neglect and non-native species.  Let’s put aside for now the fact of Park’s responsibility in Cheasty’s current condition and also...

Posted from Seattle  March 23, 2014 Here is a leaflet I've prepared for the upcoming meeting on the Cheasty Greenbelt Tuesday March 25, 6:30 to 8 pm at the Jefferson Community Center, 3801 Beacon Ave. South (Seattle, WA) (Please come):   Scroll to the end of this blog...

posted from Seattle March 16, 2014 Cheasty has been a greenspace for approximately a century, and is now Seattle's last interior forest.  The Parks Department wants to convert it to Mountain-Bike Central and has been attempting to keep the whole thing quiet so that neighbors and...

Posted June 17, 2013 from Seattle, WA A tiny ad in the Seattle Times on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 will deliver a much-deserved thank you to folks at one of the NOAA buildings in Magnuson Park.  The Cliff Swallow colony destroyed by the Seattle Parks Dept....

Posted from Seattle, WA, June 6, 2013  I’m running an ad in the Seattle Times on Friday, June 7 in the A-section that criticizes the styling of a $2.5 million sports car, the Bugatti Vitesse.  Did someone just snicker and did I hear the word “envy?” ...

posted May 24, 2013 from Seattle, WA The ad shown here will appear in the A-section of the Seattle Times on Sunday, May 26, 2013.  Coal dust, climate-change, and train-crossing waits are important issues.  But should we even be discussing this?  Not if sending more coal...

posted from Seattle, WA on May 13, 2013 For those who didn't see it, here is a small ad I placed in the Seattle Times A section on Tuesday, May 7, 2013.   The copy said:  Sending more coal to China is human cruelty.    Are the...

Posted from Seattle April 22, 2013.   The ad shown is running the A-section of the Seattle Times on Tuesday the 23rd.   The Seabird poster got printed at Olympus Press this morning.  As usual, the press folks at Olympus got it looking even better than the proof and...